1924 Rural Directory of Dorchester Township (North and South), Ontario, Canada

published Toronto, 1924, 3 vol.

The 1924 Cummins Rural Directory map series is a valuable source for researchers who wish to determine the rural locations of their relatives in 1924.

The 1924 Cummins Maps

Residents of East Elgin County, in particular, are shown on Maps 14, 15, 23, and 24, which include parts of Southwold, Yarmouth, Malahide, Dorchester (North & South), Bayham and surrounding townships outside of Elgin. None of the townships of this area, however, are shown in their entirety, in the original 1924 publication.

The map below was extracted, edited, and compiled by Fred Prong from the Maps 13, 14, 24, and 25,and shows on one map  — Dorchester Township (North & South) —  in it’s entirety.

1924 Cummins Map for North and South Dorchester

(Right click “view image” to read the property owners names on the map or “Save Image” to download a readable image.)