Aylmer Warder

Aylmer Warder Newspaper

Aylmer, Malahide, Elgin, Ontario, Canada

Notes on references to the Aylmer Warder

“The first paper published in Aylmer may have been the Aylmer Herald whose first issue was on the 5th March 1857.

Then came the Aylmer Warder which according to the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch of Spring 1858 was copying articles from the Dispatch. After the Herald went out of publication, it was succeeded by the revitalized Aylmer Warder who published again on 1st December 1867. It ran for about one year and then went out of business. On 18th September 1869 Mr. Aldrich published the Aylmer Enterprise. In 1873 Mr. Pankhurst took over and renamed it the Aylmer Paper. This paper was published until September 1879. The Aylmer Paper began publication again on 10th October 1879. The name was changed to the Aylmer Express on 1st January 1880.”

The St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch makes reference to their competitive Aylmer Newspaper, the Aylmer Warder in issues beginning in 1858. Note that the Weekly Dispatch differs greatly in political affiliation from the Warder. The Dispatch is a very Anglican Conservative paper whereas the Warder appears to have Reformer / Clear Grit leanings.


From the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch 4 March 1858

p. 2 – At the Inquest held by Dr. DANCY / DANCEY, Coroner for this County, on the Town Line, between South Dorchester and Malahide, on the 2nd February, 1858. A Dr. FOOTE was called upon to make a post Mortem examination. Some petty scribbler in the Aylmer Warder has thought fit to ignore the name of the coronor (sic). This trick is of a piece with the usual policy of the Warder scribe, who vents his personal ill-will whenever he has a chance. Perhaps Dr. DANCY has given some displeasure to the Clear Grit humbug of Aylmer.

From the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch 20 May 1858

p. 2 – The Aylmer Warder – of the 15th inst., has copied from the Dispatch, without credit, the List of Prizes of the County Show, also The Report of the County Board of Public Instruction. We hope, Mr. WARDER, you will make the amende honorable

From the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch 8 July 1858

p. 3 – Fatal Accident – We are informed, says the Aylmer Warder, that about 9 o’clock on Saturday night last, 26th ult., as Mr. James ROBINSON [ROBERTSON], farmer, 8th concession, Malahide, was returning home from St. Thomas, when near this village he fevor? was jerked off the “buck board” on which he was sitting, in company with his wife, and a young woman whose [ name ]we have not learned and whereby he sustained a fracture of the lower jaw and injured the cervical vertebrae of the neck. The deceased lingered until Wednesday last, when death terminated his suffering. Fortunately, Mrs ROBINSON [ROBERTSON] obtained possession of the lines, which possibly, prevented further accident. Deceased, being a member of the Orange Institution was buried according to the rules of the Order. [Note: This is likely James ROBERTSON who is buried at the Aylmer Cemetery (A Section) died 30 June 1858 age 58 ]


From the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch 19 May 1859

p. – 2 – The “Aylmer Warder” – Or his correspondent, “Justitia,” seems to be frightened out of his propriety, and makes an onslaught upon us in his weak way, because we contradicted an erroneous report that was being circulated throughout the province that a brutal murder had been committed near Aylmer, by E. S. GANSON, Esq. We know from personal observation, that no murder had been committed, and in justice and common courtesy we said so. We know, also, that the office of the “Warder” is situated not six rods from the residence of Mr. GANSON, and that they had ample opportunities of seeing the facts of the case, and knowing that the reports circulated in the papers – if he reads any – touching this affair, were grossly misrepresented. In vain we looked over the columns of the “Warder” week after week, to see common justice done to a neighbor and a citizen; but no, the report, painful as it must have been to the feelings of MR. GANSON, seemed to gratify the “Warder” and his vindictive patron and correspondent; and they maintained a dogged silence, and would not condescend to disabuse the public mind for fear of being charged with inconsistency. Modest man that you are! Go on with your mulish obstinacy – still insist that “poor FROST was dead when medical men arrived – still insist that his brains were protruding and scattered over the ground! – still insist that the assassin has fled, and that officers of justice are on his track! Go on making mountains out of mole-hills, although the whole country know to the contrary, for should you publish the facts as they are known to exist, you might do justice to a fellow-townsman, and at the same time do violence to your own feelings.

From the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch 10 Nov 1859

p. 2 – Mr. Joseph TWELL, publisher of the Aylmer Warder, whom this paper had more than once chastised for his impertinence, has fled boots and ll, to parts unknown, leaving a few “friends” in and around Aylmer, to lament his unexpected departure. Poor fellow! he sold his Certificates at too low a Price, in consequence of which, PRICE had to resume the laborious labour of conducting both the Editorial and mechanical departments of Warder office.

From the St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch 17 Nov 1859

p. 2 – The Aylmer Warder, published in this County, made its appearance for the last time, this year, on Saturday last. It is a pity such a valuable publication could not be sustained, but we suppose it died from the effects of swallowing so much grit [ref to the Clear Grit Reform Political Party], which must be the result of all such puerile publications.